Life got busy, so Collin asked for a break from our weekly game design sessions.

I think this Tile Placement Game is close to complete. Collin might disagree, but it felt really solid to me the last time we played and our last batch of changes make too much sense to have affected that very much (famous last words). I might spend some time getting it in Tabletopia so I can run some playtests with any interested internetters.

Most of my efforts these past few months has been on building a vegetable garden, building 2 loft beds for my sons, raising a new puppy, trying to improve my employment situation, and fussing around with our first game design (the one we abandoned because we are new at this and we got frustrated and needed a break). Hmm……I’m sensing a trend here…

I’ll be switching over to writing about that for a bit… it’s a slippery one. I’m not quite sure how to structure my thoughts, but maybe the exercise of trying to explain it to you, dear reader, will help me distill my thoughts into something more cohesive. Hope to see you there.